Hi family, this very important, please join me on the Q&A call Saturday, November 27 at 12 noon New York time, as I will be placing a challenge to each, and every one of you.
Where you can receive cash bonuses, 7-day cruises, other great prizes and the most important an all-expense paid trip to the Avazoo event.
WHEN ??? ….. 12 Noon, New York – East Coast Time, November 27th 2021.
This will be a great incentive, and financially rewarding way you can receive money before the holidays.
In addition…… Don’t miss out, on vital and priority information that will be announced on this Q & A call about deletion of thousands of Avazoo members.
There is no excuse as you can join us live on Facebook and on Zoom. I look forward to seeing you ALL on the call.
If you don’t attend make sure you watch the recording on Facebook as as you could be deleted on Tuesday, November 30th at midnight.
Click on the link to join the live call on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/583584782751032/
Click on the link to join the live call on Zoom: Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_d7c5rBkxQpqI4WyFxC-tBg
Don’t miss this exciting announcement and participate in the Q&A to learn more.
“One Cause, One Love”